- Approval(scrap scene)
Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2000
- sue hantak <hantaks@mtco.com>
Steele of Approval(unedited)
by Suejue
(As suspected a scene in the beginning does shed some light
on the underlying unpleasantness between R and L in this episode.)
Laura ran through the numbers several times, both by hand and
with the aid of a calculator. No matter the method, the outcome
was the same. She shuffled through the bills another time then
threw them down distressed by the mounting expenses. Too much
globe trotting, too many dinners and personal side trips , too
many considerate pro bono cases over the last year all added
up to too many entries on the debit side of the ledger. She then
turned her attention to the office lease renewal for next year.
Looking up at his closed door, she wondered if he realized the
financial commitment she was making as she signed her name to
the contract. Needing his signature too, she entered his office.
"I need you to sign this," Laura held out the lease.
"Certainly," he obliged, signing without even looking
at what he was putting his name on.
"Do you know what you just signed?" Laura asked, knowing
damn well he didn't.
"My name, no doubt," he cheerfully replied.
"It's our office lease for next year." Laura looked
at him, dying to tell him that she needed him around to help
bring in clients, dying to ask him if he planned on staying.
He could sense some anxiety, "And?"
"We never really talk about this, but this agency is a business....
a business with operating costs, bills, overhead....."
Remington interrupted her, "Laura, what are you getting
"I think we need to concentrate on doing more business,
Mr. Steele."
Oh....Oh I see, this is about San Francisco isn't it?" Remington
accused, fed up with her running from their personal relationship.
"What about San Francisco?" Laura honestly replied.
She didn't know what he was reading into her statement.
"We spend a few moments getting closer, you get scared and
go back to hiding behind your desk, claiming we need to keep
things more businesslike."
"I didn't say that." Laura defended.
"You didn't have to."
"This isn't about us. This is about that mountain of debt
on my desk," she pointed in the direction of her office.
"Uh huh," he shook his head agreeing, yet disbelieving
every word.
Laura snatched the lease from the top of his desk, "I'm
going to instruct Mildred to load my calendar.
I hope you can appreciate the need for one of us to actually
do some work to keep this agency afloat." She stormed out
of his office and stopped at Mildred's desk, "Please send
this to the management company. Who's our next appointment?"
Miss Krebbs turned the page and stated, "Horton Earhart,,
"When he gets here, send him into MY office, I don't think
Mr. Steele is available for the initial interview."
(Next Scene: Steele's apartment that evening)
Remington answered the door with his hand on his hip still harboring
some animosity, "Ah Laura, it's only 8:30, I thought you'd
still be working, you know, keeping us from going bankrupt. "
"I never said we were going bankrupt," she started
,but realized she didn't want to get sucked into another argument.
"May I come in?"
He stepped aside and motioned for her to enter.
"You want to watch a movie or something?" Laura asked,
hoping to disprove his theory that she was throwing herself into
work to avoid their relationship.
- The movie was on, but neither were
really watching it. Remington wondered if he jumped to conclusions
about their talk this afternoon, but even with Laura in his arms,
lying against his chest, she was droning on about some new case
involving a politician. He closed his eyes weary by the thought
that work will probably always come first with her. When Laura
posed an unanswered question she craned her neck to see a sleeping
Steele. "I guess I'm not very good company," she said
to herself. Laura carefully extracted herself from his embrace,
lightly kissed him goodnight and left.