Leslie Mele
RSFic. Challenge 5

This story is set in the middle of the first season, after The One For Me and
before Vintage. No profit gained, no rights implied. This is just for fun.


Laura headed down the hall to the Remington Steele Agency. Stopping at the door, she observed Bernice sitting at her desk, sipping a cup of coffee and totally absorbed in a magazine. Opening the door, she called out a cheery, "Morning!"

"Hmm", Bernice answered, not even looking up.

"Must be a fascinating article." Laura walked around the desk to look over Bernice's shoulder. Her mouth opened at the image of a well-built young man wearing nothing but a tool belt. "Playgirl?", she asked in amusement.

"This is the 80's, Laura, we're allowed to look too."

"Well yes, but if you've seen one . . . " she trailed off still looking at the photo.

"Kind of takes your breath away."

Laura handed the magazine back to Bernice and headed for her office. "I'm not interested."

Following her, Bernice held up the Playgirl. "Admit it, Laura, you're trying to picture HIM in a tool belt."

"Don't be silly." But the look on her face couldn't mask her thoughts.

"You don't fool me. The thought of him in just a tool belt makes your heart race."

"Ah, let's drop it, OK?"

"OK. Besides he's so skinny, it would probably fall off him. Not that that would be a problem."

"Laura?" The sound of Mr. Steele's voice echoed from the outer office.

"In here." Laura snatched the magazine from Bernice and shoved it into her desk drawer just as Steele entered her office.

"Bernice would you bring the Peterson file."

"Sure." Turning to Mr. Steele, "You wouldn't happen to know how to fix a leaky faucet?"


Glancing at his mid-section, she giggled and slipped out the door.

In confused annoyance, he turned to Laura, "I'm here as you requested. Now what did I give up my morning fencing lesson for?"

Bernice returned with the file and handed it to Laura.

Laura opened it and handed him a transcript of a check. "I need your help to track down the the person who wrote this bounced check."

"A bounced check? Laura couldn't you get Murphy to do this? I mean, do you really expect Remington Steele to do such menial work?"

"Listen, Murphy's out of town and I need your help. Besides what happened to "teach me"? Consider this assignment part of your further education."

"Does this mean I should take more notes? I left my notebook at my flat."

"Here!" She handed him another check. "What do you make of these?"

Smiling at her aggravation he took the second check and compared it to the one on the transcript. "Hmm. Well I'm no expert, but I'd say these were written by two different people. Would you care to elaborate on what this is about?"

"We've been hired by a woman named Sally Peterson to find her father. He sends her a check each month to help with expenses. When she deposited the last one, it bounced and when she tried to get in touch with him, she couldn't find him. It seems he's never at home, and no one who knows him has seen him in the last five weeks. He's a jeweler, and she's worried he's in some kind of trouble."

"A jeweler?"

"I thought that would get your attention."

"Laura, I'm wounded at your assumption."

"Good! We're going to his house to see if we can learn anything useful. Go change clothes and we'll meet back here in an hour."

As Steele entered the office, Bernice looked up and nearly spewed the coffee she was drinking. "Laura, he's back!" Bernice just stared at him with a huge grin on her face.

Laura emerged from her office and came to a complete halt. Mr. Steele was dressed as a repairman. Flannel shirt, jeans and around his waist, a 'tool belt'. Laura's mouth dropped, she turned beet red and disappeared into her office. Leaning back against the door, she took several deep breaths. Images of him swirled through her head. 'Control yourself, Laura. We have work to do.' She willed her thoughts of him to the back her mind and opened the door. Looking at him again Laura couldn't help but smile.

"Laura, I don't understand what you find so amusing. I think this is an excellent disguise. Anyone who sees me will think I'm there to fix something."

"I know. It's just I've never seen you look so . . . so American", she finished.

Entering Jeff Peterson's house, Laura and Steele began to look around. The house was full of the old and new. There were things everywhere, but everything seemed to be in it's place. While Steele looked through the desk, Laura entered a back room to find a small workshop. She looked at various tools, small trays of semi-precious stones and rolls of jeweler's wax, and then her attention was drawn to a small vise with a silver ring still in it. Looking through the magnifier above it, she read the words 'lava lamp'. She went back into the main room and looked at every shelf and table. On a bookcase in the corner was a small lava lamp still pulsing with globules of goo. Picking it up, she found a piece of paper.

"Mr. Steele! I think I've found something. It looks like he left us a clue."

"I've found something too! A consignment book. There's a notation to make a replacement necklace and the words, 'against will forgery'."

"I found this." She handed him a scrap of paper. He read, Austin's GalleryOct. 16th 8:00 pm. "It looks like he left us the what, where, and when. Now we just need to figure out the who and why."

"Bulldog Jack! Jack Hulbert, Fay Ray, British, 1934. A woman hires a sleuth she thinks is Bulldog Jack to help her find her grandfather. He's a jeweler who's been kidnapped by thieves who want him to make a copy of a necklace they plan to steal from the British Museum."

"How many movies have you seen? But I think you're right. Oct. 16th is tomorrow night. My guess is they plan to do the switch tomorrow night."

Steele picked up the phone and dialed. "Hello mate. I have a job for you if you're available tonight? You are? Good see you at 6:00 and I'll fill you in."

Steele entered Laura's office. She still was at lunch with Bernice. He went to her desk to leave her a note. Opening the drawer for a pencil, he found the Playgirl. A quick glance at the photo answered all his questions about the reactions of both Bernice and Laura. A smile played across his handsome face as he contemplated how he was going to use this bit of knowledge to his advantage. He replaced the magazine and went to Bernice's desk to write his note.

Laura and Steele drove past Austin's Gallery at 7:30. Across the street was a mime trying to get out of an invisible box.

"That's my lookout", Steele informed her..

Laura noted that from his corner the mime could see the side of the gallery.

"Him? Well I guess a mime would be a terrible thing to waste."

"Yes", Steele replied, shaking his head at her bad joke. "His name's Statto, and if he sees anything suspicious, he'll pull on an invisible rope."

Laura parked the Rabbit where they could see the other side of the building as well as Statto.

After a few minutes Steele noticed Statto pulling on his invisible rope.

"Laura, they're here. Should we go after them?"

"No. We need to know where Peterson is. We watch, wait and follow."

A short time later, two men emerged from the gallery and got into a car. Laura pulled out and followed them. The car stopped in front of a small house. Laura drove past and stopped at a pay phone to call the authorities. Returning to the house, Laura and Steele quietly crept up to a window and peered in. The two men could be seen examining several pieces of expensive-looking jewelry. Steele let out a soft whistle at the sight of the expensive pieces.

"Easy Mr. Steele. Remember which side you're on now."

"I know, I know. Still, it is an excellent plan. I can't help but admire it"

Steele and Laura went to the back of the house. Through one of the back windows they could see an older man tied to a chair.

Using his pick tools Steele unlocked the back door, slipped inside and quietly freed Peterson. As they went around to the front with Peterson, the authorities arrived. Laura and Peterson briefed them and they moved in on the house.

The next morning, Sally Peterson arrived to thank Laura and Steele for finding her father so quickly.

"It was easy to deduce because your father left so many hints," Laura stated, "starting with his sending you a check on an account with no money in it. He told us it wasn't forged; he just wrote his name differently to get your attention.

"He's still at Police Headquarters giving his statement," Sally added. "But he'll be home in a few hours. Now, I need to talk to your secretary. Bye."

Alone, Laura turned to Steele who was sitting at his desk.

"Well Mr. Steele, another case solved, and I must say you were very helpful."

"Another lesson successfully completed, eh?", he beamed.

"You get an A, Mr. Steele."

"You know I was thinking," he smiled as he opened the large side drawer on his desk. "If there's anything you need done around your house, I'm always at your service." He reached into the drawer, pulled out the tool belt and placed it on the desk. Smiling at her reaction, he added, "You have only to call."


My list of items.

Playgirl magazine
Tool belt
Bounced check
Lava lamp
British Museum
A mime named Statto