Steele Habits Are Hard to Break
Date: Sunday, August 06, 2000
sue hantak <>

Steele Habits Are Hard To Break

by Suejue

She stopped mid sentence, "Is that your foot on my leg?" He wiggled his brows playfully as they leaned in for a kiss. She rolled to her back tugging on his shirt pulling him in to deepen the kiss. With the wine glass still in his hand, he contemplated briefly where to set down his glass. It was rare for Laura to be the aggressor and when she started running her tongue along his lips, he hastily tried to place his glass on the end table. He missed the edge by the narrowest of margins. The newly installed carpet was spared, but the sleeve of Remington's shirt and Laura's entire blouse weren't near as lucky. "Oh Laura, I'm so sorry." Remington sprang to his feet retrieving a roll of paper towels from the kitchen.

"You had to open RED wine this evening?" Laura blotted surveying the damage to her garment.

"We should soak these right away," Remington assessed.

Laura pinched her shirt and pulled it away from her body, shaking it slightly from the wet discomfort. "Got any coarse sea salt?"

"Coarse sea salt?" he repeated.

"And some of those Heloise hints. For red wine stains, soak in cold water with coarse salt...come on, take your shirt off we'll put them in the bathroom sink."

He started to unbutton the cuff on his shirt. Following Laura in the direction of the bathroom, she couldn't see him grinning at the prospect of Laura taking off her shirt as well.

Maybe she was distracted by the task at hand or maybe she was just more ease around him, but whatever the reason, without any hesitation she removed her blouse and stood in his bath in just her satin and lace bra. She caught a glimpse of him looking at her in the mirror. Appreciative or lecherous, she couldn't decide. If he had just kept his mouth shut, she wouldn't have felt so self conscious and defensive.

"You mind if I use up the rest of the bottle of wine on your bra and pants?" That was the question that got him shoved out of the bathroom.

She grabbed a nearby towel to cover up and asked, "Do you have a sweatshirt or something I can put on?"

"Top dresser drawer," he instructed.

The impeccable Mr. Steele put on a laundered, pressed shirt from his closet and returned to the living room. There were three top dresser drawers for Laura to choose from. She pulled open the first one on the right. The man had underwear in every color and design. She glanced over her shoulder then reached for one. "I can't believe I'm doing this," she scolded herself as she extracted one from the drawer. Overwhelming guilt caused her to cram it back in the drawer. Her hand hit an object that certainly wasn't underwear. She checked the doorway again and pulled it out. "Why is he hiding his passport in his underwear drawer?" As she opened it up, expecting to see the one she and Mildred gave him in London, Laura joking thought, "Okay what Bogart name is on this one?"

"Frank Wilson?" She was first hurt that it wasn't the passport she assumed. She was devastated when she realized it was issued just three weeks ago.

"Laura?....." Mr. Steele called from the other room.

She closed the drawer and opened the next. There she found a sweatshirt and yanked it over her head. Taking a deep breath she tried to come up with plausible reasons for the passport, but she couldn't. The only one her upset and suspicious mind conjured was that he was leaving as Frank Wilson.

She reentered the living room still dazed and distracted by her discovery. *I can't confront him.* she thought to herself Aside from the obvious issue at hand, how would she explain going through his underwear drawer? "I was snooping or I was playing with your underwear". They were both equally embarrassing and damning.

Laura grabbed her purse from the credenza and headed toward the front door, "It's late, Mr. Steele, I'll see you tomorrow."
She knew she couldn't get away that fast. He stepped in front of her, "Laura's it's hardly past ten."

"Neither of us has any significant sleep in the past four days, New York, the porn theatre, the overpass. I think we should call it a night."

"Call it a night right here, stay with me, Laura." he pleaded.

True be told, if he had asked that before she found the passport, she would have actually stayed.

"I've afraid I wouldn't be very good company right now," she responded honestly.

"At least let me drive you." he offered but she declined kissing him on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Mr. Steele"

He saw the crinkle in her brow as she walked out the door. Was she that upset about her blouse? Was it that tasteless comment he made in the bathroom? Remington shook his head unaware of what was really bothering Laura.

Laura got out her "Legends of Hollywood" book. Sure enough, Bogie played a character called Frank Wilson in "You Can't Get Away With Murder. She then flipped through her journal. The date on his passport was a few weeks after they returned from the Freidlich Spa. Laura was now more confused than ever. Sure, she said some pretty awful things in the latent hostility exercise, but she apologized. The walk on the beach? The letter he gave her? He even called it a "start" for them. On the other hand, he also ruefully laughed when she asked if whether staying was a change for the better. That was probably the most honest statement he ever made. Unfortunately that brutal honesty told her in no uncertain terms that he wasn't completely happy being Remington Steele. She further analyzed that maybe he's leaving because whatever they have between them , has moved forward yet. She agreed with him, but that was weeks ago and the relationship still hasn't progressed. The trust that developed slowly over the past few months crumbled with that thought. The belief that he wanted to stay with her vanished. Laura became more guarded and was now just waiting for D-day, as in disappearance day.

He bought into the first few excuses, but when she declined to go out for the fourth time, he finally asked, "Laura, what have I done to deserve this?"

"Deserve what?"
"You have been treating me like I have the plague. I've returned your blouse, good as new. Was it what I said in the bathroom?"

Laura long forgot that ill-chosen remark. "What?"

"The wine? ...... When I insinuated that I wanted you out of your pants and bra....." he reminded her.

"Oh've just been very busy,"

"Busy or not, you still can have dinner with me," he pointed out in a voice escalating in proportion to his frustration over Laura's behavior.

"Maybe I don't want to," she blurted.

"Okay then, let me ask the question again, what have I done?"

"Nothing," she shook her head unconvincingly.

"Laura, I'm tired of your games. I'm not going to keep chasing you" he said in anger.

"My games?" Laura shouted with a mix of indignation and hurt. "What about your games? What is Frank Wilson up to?"

He looked blankly at her, not sure of what to say. He decide to play ignorant.

"Who's Frank Wilson?"

"For once in your life, Mr. Steele, don't lie to me."

"'re right. You obviously found the passport." He began pacing.

"I just want to know if you intend to use it...............Are you planning on leaving?"

"I did think about leaving, a while ago."

"You forged another passport, I'd call that more than a thought."

"Actually, Daniel sent me the passport."

"Ahhhh number one fan. That still doesn't explain why you decided to keep it."

"I don't know.....I've lived my whole life on a contingency, always having a "Plan B". I guess old habits are hard to break."

"I see." Laura bit her lower lip obviously trying to hide the hurt. "Excuse me." She rushed past him.

"Laura!" he called after her as he raced to catch up with her. He caught her as they got on an empty elevator. "I'll destroy it"

"What difference does it make? You'll just get another one.......How many films was Bogart in anyway?"

The elevator doors opened. As a few people tried to get on, Remington quickly pressed the button, "Sorry, all full." In between floors he pulled the stop.

He turned to Laura who by now shrank into the corner in a futile attempt to hide from him. "Do you want to know what my Plan A was?"


"My Plan know .......what I would be running from if it doesn't work out?"

She remained silent, not really interested in anything he would have to say at this point.

He continued despite her unresponsiveness, "Daniel actually sent me the passport as a joke. He included a note that said 'If she turns you down, we can always meet in Monaco.' He looked intently at her to see if her deductive mind could process what he implied. There was no indication that she figured it out. He moved closer to her, well within her personal space and spelled it out, "You see I told him that I was in love with you and I wanted to marry you."

He slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a passionate kiss. The alarm began to sound from the stalled elevator. He stepped out of her embrace to release the stop. They still had several floors to go before it returned to the lobby. Just before he kissed her again, he revealed, "You know if you looked in my nightstand drawer, you would have found the ring instead." As their lips tentatively met, he pulled back perplexed by another thought. "What were you doing in my underwear drawer anyway?"

The End